There are some facts about Spiders:
1. The spider has been living on the earth for 400 million years. Which is a very long time. Some spider's age are 1 year old and some are 20 years old.
2. More than 46,000 species of spiders have been discovered. Of these, only one species named 'Bagheera Kiplingi' is vegetarian.
3. Spiders do not see much farther. But some species of spiders can also see the lights which humans cannot see. Like - UVA & UVB Light.
4. 95% of the spiders in your house have not seen the outside world.
5. Spiders can walk on water and can also breathe inside it. It spreads it's eight legs and shares its weight evenly, so that the surface tension of water is not broken and it becomes easier to walk on water.
6. Spiders have short hair on their legs. With their help, it is able to feel fragrance and these hairs also help them to hold it while climbing the wall.
7. In some species, the size of the male spider is much smaller than that of the female spider.
8. The color of the spider's blood is blue because copper is found instead of iron in their blood.
9. Scientists of the US Defense Department are trying to copy spider webs named 'Gold Orb'. They want to use it in a bullet proof jacket.
10. Jumping Spider, a species of spiders, can jump up to 50 times its length. This is possible because blood pressure is very high in its hind limbs. If man could have jumped so high, his height would have been 230 feet.