Hello friends, in this article we will learn about the facts of black hole. Subramanyam Chandrasekhar's definition of it is very well done. According to him, when a star exhausts its fuel, that is, it loses its own energy, it is unable to handle its own gravitational force, due to which there is a huge explosion inside this star, which is called a supernova.
The part that remains after the explosion starts to shrink and its density is very high, this star is called neutron star. This leftover takes the shape of a small black dot, which keeps on growing continuously, it is called a black hole.
There are some interesting facts about Black Holes:
1. The first black hole was discovered in 1972 named Cygnus X1.
2. Super Massive Black Hole is the largest of all the black holes discovered so far. This black hole is a million times larger than our Sun and it originates in the middle of any galaxy in the universe.
3. The main strength of a black hole lies in a small point in its middle, which is called "Central Singularity Point". The boundaries of the same black hole are called "event horizon". Whatever goes into the boundary of black hole is never returned. Even if light goes inside it, it also does not come back.
4. According to Einstein, if any human falls into a black hole, then it will be a very sad experience for them because that human will never get out of there and it will fall continuously and your body will be finished in a few moments.
5. The gravitational force of a black hole is the strongest in the universe. It attracts all the asteroids and stars around them. A black hole has also been discovered in our Milky way Galaxy which 30 million times bigger than the sun, but there is nothing to worry because this black hole is at the distance of our Earth Arbo Mill.
6. Whenever a big celestial body is pulled by a black hole, its friction causes all the molecules of that body to disintegrate due to which there is a lot of noise. The surprising thing is that even the scattered molecule does not allow the black hole to go beyond its limits.
7. If two black holes collide, then both the blotch holes will be joined together due to the strength of their gravity and will be converted into a huge black hole.
8. Whenever a huge star reaches its end, it slowly becomes a supernova and ends with an explosion which later transforms into a black hole.
9. Anyone inside a black hole The laws of physics do not work. For this reason, there is no dominance of time and space.
10. Science is constantly monitoring black holes today because they want to use the energy of black holes and if scientists succeed in them, then in future we will be able to travel time.