Mouse is found in almost every house, every city and everywhere. Mice are famous for munching things in every household. So let's talk about some interesting facts related to mice:
1. Mice are usually 5 inches (12 cm) or longer in length.
2. Mice with their whiskers can identify air, temperature changes and rough corners.
3. Mice have the ability to swim for 3 consecutive days.
4. Rats can eat all kinds of things, whether they are fruits, seeds or meat.
5. You will be surprised to know that even if the rats fall below the 10th floor building, they will not get hurt because their body is flexible.
6. In Egypt, rats are advised to cook and eat rats for the treatment of stomach-related diseases.
7. According to scientists, more than 60 species of mice have been discovered so far, most of which are found in Asia.
8. Rat is the most commonly used animal in laboratories for scientific experiments.
9. There is many hunters for mice, they usually live only for 6 months in the forests. They can live up to 2 years in a laboratory or as a pet.
10. In the forests, rats are vegetarians who eat all kinds of fruits and grains derived from plants.
11. The mouse has a very high memory capacity, which is why if you hold the mouse in a transparent cage and leave it away from home, then it remembers the way and will soon enter the house again. Is where they came from.
12. Mouse can cause more than 35 diseases to humans, of which the most deadly disease is called plague.
13. The teeth of the mouse keep growing throughout the day. If the mouse abandons its munching habit, the rat will die.
14. Mice can produce ultraviolet waves even faster than the speed of sound.