TV development began in 1830, with Graham Bell and Thomas Edison transferring voice and photos. Today we will tell you such interesting facts related to television history, which you surely have not read till date.

There are some interesting facts about TV:

1. By 1936, around 200 television sets started being used in the world. Then there were large appliances with 12-inch TV screens.

2. Around 1967, most programs started coming colorfully.

3. In 1969, the first program "Apollo 11" was broadcast. Which was viewed by 600 million people.

4. In 1973, TV screens were enlarged. At this time, television used to weigh a lot.

5. In 1976, TV broadcasting in India was separated from All India Radio.

6. In 1830 Thames Edison and Graham Bell showed voice and photo transfer.

7. In 1907, the word "Television" first came into existence. And added to the dictionary.

8. In 1924, John Bread moved Chhachitro for the first time.

9. In 1933 the program started appearing on TV 2 times a week.

10. In 1980, VCR, Games etc. started coming with TV. TV's popularity got further enhanced. Remote televisions knocked and became popular.

11. Television changed after 1990. TV size and quality improved. At the same time experiment with technology like LCD and plasma was also going on.

12. Television usage increased during the Second World War. TV started being used as a publicity machine at that time. Two types of models came in tabletop and console.

13. Fully color TV broadcasting began in 1953 in the US.

14. In 1956 Robert Adler created the first remote control.

15. In 1962, the company "AT&T" launched Telestar.

16. After 2000, VCR replaced DVD player. Many commercial channels came and the appearance of TV changed. Now TV became smart with the Idiot box.

17. After 2000, it is now time for smart TV. Ultra UHD, bendable, 4K, 3D, LCD / LED TVs are now not only used for entertainment, but are also being used for computing and connectivity.