Hello friends, in this article we will learn about some fun facts. Some fun facts that you have hardly heard. So without wasting time, let us know some random fun factors:
1. A war in Greece and Bulgaria was fought simply because a dog crossed their border.
2. In China, you can ask someone to give 100 rupees per hour to put their place in line.
3. Fish only have a few seconds of memory.
4. The parachute was discovered 1 century before the plane.
5. Octopus has three hearts.
6. Bill Gates earns around Rs. 12000 in every second i.e. around Rs. 102 crore a day.
7. If the Earth is made of an apple shape, the atmosphere above the Earth will only be equal to it's skin.
8. Coca-Cola was initially green in color.
9. Our body also contains iron so that an inch of nail can be prepared from iron obtained from one body.
10. A person can spend several weeks without eating food, but only 11 days without sleeping.
11. 1 day on Mercury planet is two years long.
12. The shortest war in history occurred in 1896 between England and Zanzibar. Zanzibar was surrendered only after 38 minutes.
13. In most advertisements, the time of 10:10 minutes is shown on the clock.
14. The bats always turn left-handed as they leave the cave.
15. You are born with 300 bones, but by the time you are 18, your bones join to 206.
16. Fingernails grow 4 times faster than Foot nails.
17. Applying headphones for just one hour increases the number of bacteria in our ears by 700 times.
18. Your heart beats about 100,000 times a day.
19. Butterflies taste an object with their feet.
20. Apple company founder Steve Jobs never had a number plate on his car.