There are some interesting facts about Penguin:
1. Gentoo penguins are the fastest floating species. They can swim at a speed of 35 kilometers per hour.
2. The smallest species is Little Blue Penguin. It is only 16 inches.
3. Penguins can jump up to 6 feet high outside the water.
4. Penguins can drink sea water. They have glands that filter out excess salt present in water.
5. Penguins also have knees, which are hidden in their wings. So they do not appear.
6. Around 17 species of penguins are found in the Southern Hemisphere of the Earth.
7. These are birds but they have flippers in place of feathers. They help them swim in the water.
8. Emperor Penguin is its longest species. It can remain in water for about 20 minutes.
9. Penguins spend 75 percent of their lives searching for prey in the sea.
10. There are no penguins in North Pole.
11. The penguin opens its wings to feel the cold.
12. The average lifespan of a penguin is 15 to 20 years.
13. Penguins do not have teeth, they do both food and hunting with the help of their beak.
14. Penguin's body is made up of three layers like air, skin and blubber.