In today's era, everyone can listen to the radio from their mobile. At the time when radio was invented, there was no particular means of information or entertainment. The invention of Radio changed the whole world.

There are some interesting facts about Radio:

1. UNESCO decided to celebrate 13 February 2011 as World Radio Day on 13 February 2011.

2. It's believed that radio have been invented by England resident Guglielmo Marconi. He also invented the radio telegraph.

3. Frank Conard, who worked in the Navy's Radio Department in November 1920, was allowed to legally start a Radio Station in the world.

4. The day of 13 February was chosen as World Radio Day as Radio broadcasting was started by the United Nations Organization from 13 February 1946.

5. Advertising on Radio in the world started in 1923.

6. In 1900, Guglielmo Marconi began broadcasting radio between England and America with no telegraph support.

7. The world's first radio station was started by Lee The Forest in 1918 in ​​New York, but only a few days later, the police declared it illegal and closed the radio station.

8. The first Radio broadcast was started on 24 December 1906 by Canadian Scientist Reginald Fessenden.

9. India's first radio broadcast was started in 1924 at Madras Presidency Club, but after 3 years due to financial constraints it had to be stopped.

10. After the start of the First World War in 1917, no non-military was allowed to keep radio.

11. At the time of the Second World War in 1939, the Radio License was canceled in India as well as in the whole world and the Transmitters were ordered to submit to the government.

12. The Radio Station in India started in 1936, was named 'Imperial Radio of India', but after independence of India it was renamed 'All India Radio'.