Space has always been attracted to humans. This is the reason why in ancient times our ancestors had discovered many mysteries related to space. Then gradually with the help of science it became possible for man to go into space after which we came to know many other secrets related to space.

There are some amazing facts about space:

1. Mercury and Venus are two planets in our solar system that do not have any satellite.

2. If a star passes very close to a black hole, it can disintegrate.

3. Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system. Most people always think that the hottest planet will be Buddha because it is very close to the Sun whereas it is not. Many types of gases are found in the atmosphere of Venus which causes 'green house effect' hence Venus is hot.

4. Our solar system is 4.6 billion years old. Scientists estimate that it will exist 5000 million years more.

5. In small satellites of Saturn, enceladus reflects 90% of the light received from the Sun.

6. The highest mountain in our solar system is Olympus mons which is located on Mars.

7. Olympus Mons is 25 km high which is about 3 times than Mount Everest.

8. A light year is the distance traveled by light in 1 year which is equal to 9.5 trillion kilometers.

9. The width of the Milky Way is about 100,000 light years.

10. Sun is 300000 times bigger than Earth.

11. Footprints and tire marks left by astronauts will never disappear from the Moon because there is no air to do so.

12. Due to low gravity on Mars, a person weighing 100 kilograms on Earth will be 38 kg there.

13. Scientists believe that the planet Jupiter has 67 satellites while only 53 are named.

14. Jupiter is the only planet that has the most satellites.