Sun is very important for us. We get energy from the sun as well as light and heat. Due to the sun, this earth is a pleasant place to live. If the sun was not there, this earth would have been a very cold and dark place. It is due to the sun that there is a living world on earth.

There are some amazing facts about Sun:

1. Light takes 8 minutes 17 seconds to come from the sun to the earth.

2. There are total 108 names of Surya in Sanskrit language.

3. Planets with a powerful magnetic field such as the Earth bend the electrons and protons produced by the solar wind before reaching the Earth. (Be careful not to change the magnetic field of the atmosphere.)

4. If you believe that you live on the surface of the Sun, then the starting speed of the rocket that you have to prepare for coming to Earth should be 618 km / s.

5. Sun is a gas sphere. It is composed of 72% Hydrogen, 26% Helium and 2% Carbon & Oxygen and the rest of it is made up of many heavy elements like oxygen, carbon, iron and neon.

6. The temperature of the outer surface of the sun is 5500 degrees Celsius, while the temperature of the inner part is 13.1 million degrees Celsius.

7. The Sun generates huge amounts of solar wind which contains particles like electrons and protons. This air is so fast (about 450 kilometers per second) and powerful that the electrons and protons present in it also get out from the powerful gravity of the sun.

8. Whether it is day or night, whenever you are reading this fact or doing anything at all, then the 1000,000 billion neutrons left by the Sun are passing through your body.

9. Solar System weighs 99.24% of the sun.

10. If the size of the sun is reduced to a football and Jupiter's golf hair, then the size of the earth will be less than a pea.