What are dreams Everyone knows this. But now after reading these interesting facts about dreams, you will feel that you had very little knowledge about dreams. If you find this interesting fact interesting, please do not forget to comment.

1. A person cannot dream when he is whipping.

2. If a person tells you that he does not have dreams, that means he has forgotten his dreams.

3. An average man has 4 dreams at night and 1,460 dreams in a year.

4. You will never remember where your dream started.

5. You forget half your dreams after waking up and 90% dreams after ten minutes.

6. Blind people also have dreams. People who become blind after birth they can see pictures in their dreams. But those who are blind since birth do not see any picture and in their dreams only the sounds, smells, touches and feelings of things come.

7. In dreams, we only see faces, which we already know. Our brain does not make faces on its own. In dreams, we see only those faces which we have given to our lives. But are seen

8. Not everyone's dreams are colorful. Not all human beings have colorful dreams.

9. Most dreams are anxiety and worrying. Negative emotions are more than positive in dreams.

10. Animals also see dreams. After studies it has been found that animals also leave brain waves like humans at bedtime. Sometimes you see a dog sleeping. He must have been shaking his legs as if chasing someone.

11. Dreams of men and women are different. Approximately 70% of the dreams of men are about other men while the dreams of women are about both men and women.

12. About 5 to 10 percent people have terrible and scary dreams once a month. Someone runs after us in such dreams. Children of 3 to 8 years have more dreams of this kind.

13. Abraham Lincoln, the 16th US President, told his wife shortly before his death, "I saw some people crying in my dreams".

14. We definitely have a dream in 90 minutes while sleeping and our longest dream comes in the morning which is from 30 to 45 minutes.

15. If someone sees dirty water in a dream, it means that the dreamer is not healthy.

16. It is written in our ancient Vedas that this world is really a dream and reality is something else.