Various scientific studies have revealed some psychological facts about the human brain that you will be surprised to know.
There are some Psychological facts:
1. Our thoughts have an effect on every cells of the body. If there is more negativity in thoughts then the immunity of the disease decreases due to which you remain very sick.
2. If a person sleeps more then he is more depressed.
3. Going into depression is the result of overthinking. At this stage, our brain starts creating problems which do not exist.
4. If an person laughs more even on trivial matters, then he feels alone from inside.
5. Our mind moves faster than the day it moves at night. Apart from this, the body alone consumes the most energy.
6. According to psychologists, people who come in any other language other than their mother tongue are able to make better decisions.
7. The more you sleep in a cold room, the greater the chance of having a nightmare.
8. Our brain has to work in five different parts when to laugh at a Joke.
9. 60-70% of people listen music to run away from the negative things in their life.
10. The last person who comes to your mind before sleeping it is the cause of your sorrow or happiness.
11. According to psychologists, normally 6000 thoughts run daily in our brain and 80 percent of all these thoughts are negative. Then whether we are thinking negatively about our career or about our family.
12. Stress, Depression is less for those who spend more time in morning sunlight.
13. People who have low self-confidence often find many shortcomings in others.
14. According to psychologists, when you are tired, your brain works in a more creative way.
15. Studies have shown that on average women cannot keep any secret talk for more than 47 hours and 15 minutes.