Hello friends, in this article we will learn about some interesting facts of our moon. We all know that the moon is a satellite of the earth. So let's know some facts about Moon:

1. The moon does not have its own light, so if there was no sun, we could never have seen the moon because only the light of the moon is visible due to sunlight.

2. The sky always looks black on the moon. Because he has no atmosphere.

3. Although the moon is cold but its illuminated part reaches about 180° Celsius and the rest is up to -153° Celsius.

4. Every year, the moon is moving about 4 centimeters away from the earth. 50 billion years from now, the moon will complete the Earth's orbit in 47 days, which is now in 27.3 days.

5. The moon has 6 times less gravity than the Earth. For this reason, we can easily jump around there.

6. Approximately 50 moons can be fit in our earth.

7. There are about 181 moons in our solar system, in which the our moon is the 5th largest moon.

8. If the moon disappears, instead of 24 hours on the earth, only 6 hours will be left.

9. So far, only 12 people can go to the moon. After 1972, no unmanned spacecraft has reached the moon till date.

10. 3 small stones brought from the moon were auctioned in New York City, USA. In the auction, these stones were sold for 850,000 dollars.

11. The weight of the moon is about 71 billion tons.

12. The distance between the Moon and the Earth is approximately 2,34,900 miles (3,7,000 kilometers).

13. When we view moon from the Earth, the Moon appears to be spherical. But in reality its shape is similar to egg i.e., it is oval.