Hello friends, in this article we will learn about some interesting facts of apple. Apples are the favorite fruit of most people. In this article, we will also learn about the benefits of Apple and also about its history. So let's know about some interesting facts about Apple without wasting time:

1. Apple controls weight and reduces obesity.

2. Continuous use of apple removes toxic substances from the body.

3. Pectin found in apples prevents diabetes.

4. Applying apple juice on hair ends dandruff.

5. Eye problems such as glaucoma, reduced eye light, etc. can also be cured.

6. Apple cures digestion.

7. It makes your teeth healthy and shiny.

8. Apple should never be peeled because its peel contains two-thirds of fiber and lots of antioxidants, which are very beneficial for our body.

9. The fruits on wild apple trees are protected by thorny branches.

10. Apple tree is a part of rose species.

11. Apple trees can live for more than 100 years.

12. An apple has an average of 10 seeds.

13. Apples are found in three colors - yellow, green and red.

14. When the apple is kept out of the refrigerator, it ripens 10 times faster.

15. According to scientists, for the first time in the world, apples were born thousands of years ago in the Central Asian country Kazakhstan.

16. 25 percent of the apple is made up of air. This is why the apple can float on water.

17. Apple is the third most popular fruit in the world after mangoes and bananas.

18. There are more than 7500 species of apple found all over the world.

19. The world's largest apple was found in Japan weighing 1.849 kg.

20. An apple is more effective than coffee for sleeping, its natural sugar is more powerful than caffeine.