In this article we will learn about some interesting facts about dolphins. Dolphins are the mammals, below given facts will be prove that.
There are some facts about Dolphins:
1. Dolphins do not drink sea water, because they can make them sick and even kill them, dolphin supplies water from the food it eats.
2. The shortest dolphin is 4 feet and the longest dolphin is 32 feet.
3. Dolphins can also swim at a speed of 36km / hour while humans can swim at a maximum speed of 8.6km / h.
4. If you find any dolphin outside the sea, do not try to send it back into the water. Because it does this to avoid drowning when sick.
5. Dolphins can go up to a depth of 990ft in water and can jump up to 20ft above water.
6. Dolphins and whales start shouting when they are very happy.
7. Dolphins do not breathe automatically like us, that is why even in sleep a part of their brain is awake so that they can breathe.
8. Dolphin sleeps with one eye open.
9. The dolphin removes the upper layer of its skin every 2 hours.
10. The first two-faced dolphin was found on a Turkish beach in 2014.
11. Dolphins have teeth but they never chew food, but swallow it directly.
12. The age of a dolphin is 15 years, some species remain alive even for 50 years.
13. The dolphin can identify itself in the mirror.
14. Dolphins can hear 10 times more than humans, but they do not smell and smell.
15. The smallest dolphin is 40 kg and the largest dolphin is 9,000 kg.
16. The American Navy has 75 trained dolphins to help them locate underwater mines and enemy swimmers.
17. Male dolphins are called "bulls" and female dolphins are called "cows".