Tiger is the most popular animal in the world. It is counted among the most beautiful, magnificent and powerful creatures in the world. The tiger is one of those creatures, which are always in discussion. Sometimes extinct species, sometimes decreasing numbers always keep it in the news.

There are some interesting facts about Tiger:

1. The tiger's ability to see at night or darkness is 4 times that of humans.

2. A tiger living in a forest can live up to 10 years and a tiger living in a zoo can live up to twice as long.

3. The running speed of a tiger can be up to 75 km/h.

4. The tiger is a carnivorous animal. It only eats meat. Its favorite foods are wild buffalo, boar and deer.

5. Tiger's brain weighs 300 grams. The largest brain among carnivorous animals is Polar Bear. After the Polar Bear, the biggest mind is that of the tiger.

6. Tiger's legs are very strong. So much so that even after death it can remain on its feet for some time.

7. The tiger comes third among the largest carnivorous animals. The largest carnivorous animals are the Polar Bear and the second Brown Bear.

8. World Tiger Day is celebrated every year on 29 July to raise awareness about the conservation of tigers.

9. Apart from India, tiger is also the national animal of Bangladesh (Bangladesh), Malaysia (Malaysia) and South Korea.

10. The group of tigers is called "streak" or "ambush".

11. The tiger is the largest animal of the cat species on earth.

12. There are more than 100 stripes on the body of a tiger.

13. The streaks found on the tiger's body are on his fur as well as on his skin.

14. The tiger's tail is 1/3 of its body length. This helps him to maintain balance while running.