In this article we will talk about interesting facts about human brain. All we know the thinking process will be done with the brain. The mind is a complex organ in the human body that controls the entire body.

There are some amazing facts about Human Brain:

1. Whenever you take some new information, the structure of your brain changes at that time.

2. The brain of the famous scientist Einstein was stolen by a doctor who conducted tests with his body. That doctor kept Einstein's brain in a jar for 20 years.

3. Our brain remains more active at night than during the day.

4. Getting less sleep has a very bad effect on your brain. This slows down your reactions.

5. Researches have shown that men and women have different brain structures.

6. The average person's brain can generate so much electricity that a bulb can be ignited with this electricity.

7. Your brain does not feel any pain because your brain does not have any receptor to tell any pain.

8. About 5 parts of our brain work together while laughing.

9. After the age of 30, our brain starts to shrink.

10. If the brain does not get oxygen for 5 to 10 minutes, then it can stop working forever.

11. The size of the brain is constantly decreasing. In the last 20 thousand years, its size has reduced to a tennis ball.

12. 60% of our brain is only fat.

13. Your brain grows 95% by the age of 5 and develops 100% by the time you reach 18 and stops growing after that.

14. If our brain cells change like our skin, then we can lose our memory.

15. Scientists believe that the most complex and mysterious thing in the universe is the human mind.

16. Human brain contains 75 to 80 percent water content. When there is lack of water in the body, the brain stops functioning properly.