There are some interesting fun facts about Squirrel:
1. The squirrel has an average lifespan of 6 to 10 years, but she can live for 20 years in a zoo.
2. Some species of squirrels like to live on trees and some species on land.
3. The squirrel adopts orphans of other squirrels and also takes care of them.
4. The squirrel has 4 toes of the front and 5 toes of the back, which are very sharp, due to which they can climb very easily on the tree.
5. In a cold country like Britain, she collects a lot of seeds during the winter season so that she can use it as food.
6. When the squirrel is in danger, she goes on the tree and makes various sounds and also warns the other squirrels.
7. At birth, squirrel babies are toothless and blind.
8. Squirrels can jump up to 20 feet high.
9. The largest species of squirrel is the Indian giant squirrel while the species of Peggy squirrel is the smallest species found in Africa.
10. The squirrel uses the tail to balance his body while jumping so that it does not fall.
11. There are 44 species of flying squirrels, out of which 12 species are known in India. This squirrel has wings like bats, with the help of which she can fly in the air, meaning that it can come to the ground like a parachute from a height.
12. Around 285 species of squirrels are found worldwide.
13. Squirrel's eyes are made of something like this, due to which he can see the back side too.
14. Squirrel's front teeth always grow as long as they live.