There are some interesting facts about Mercury:
1. One day of Mercury (the time of rotation on the axis) is equal to 59 days of Earth.
2. The planet Mercury orbits the Sun on the elliptical path. Its nearest distance from the Sun is 24 million kilometers and the maximum distance is 70 million kilometers while orbiting it. The nearest point is called Perihelion and the farthest point is called Aphelion.
3. The first person to see the planet Mercury with the help of binoculars was the great scientist Galileo Galilei.
4. Weight is reduced on the planet Mercury. If a person weighs 100 kg on Earth, his weight on the planet Mercury will be 38 kg.
5. Mercury has no moon (satellite). Its gravitational force is very low.
6. Mercury is the second hottest planet in the solar system even after being closest to the Sun. Venus in the first place is the planet which is the hottest.
7. Mercury revolves around the Sun at the fastest speed compared to the other seven planets. It travels 47.362 kilometers in a second while the Earth's speed is 29.78 kilometers per second.
8. The surface of the planet Mercury is 3 times thicker than the surface of the Earth.
9. Large differences are found in the day and night temperatures of the planet Mercury. Its daytime temperature reaches 450° C while the night temperature reaches 0 to -176° C.
10. Mercury is smaller than Jupiter's moon Ganymede and Saturn's moon Titan.
11. The planet Mercury was discovered 5000 years ago by the people of Sumerian civilization.
12. The distance of Mercury from the Sun is 57.91 million kilometers.