The Hubble Telescope was deployed in space on April 24, 1990, about 547 km from Earth. Hubble Telescope was developed by NASA with the help of the European Space Agency. The Hubble Telescope has so far sent more than 600,000 photographs of galaxies, stars and other celestial bodies. In this way, the Hubble Telescope has helped us to know the universe.

There are some interesting facts about Hubble Telescope:

1. The name of the Hubble Telescope was derived from the American scientist "Edwin Hubble". With the help of his discovery in the universe, he was given this name as Honor. He told the whole world in the year 1920 that there are countless galaxies outside our galaxy.

2. $1.5 billion was spent for the Hubble Telescope.

3. The Hubble Telescope completes a round of the earth in 95 minutes and sends about 120 GB of data every week.

4. Hubble Telescope has 2.4 meter lens.

5. The age of the universe was estimated to be 10 to 20 billion before the discovery of the Hubble Telescope, but with the help of the Hubble Telescope the age of the universe is 13.7 billion.

6. The closest thing seen by the Hubble Telescope is our moon.

7. Even though the Hubble Telescope orbits the Earth, it still cannot take a picture of the Earth because it rotates very fast.

8. The Hubble Telescope is 13.2 meters long and weighs 10,800 kg.

9. The first picture taken by the Hubble Telescope was of Cluster Star, which was 1300 light years away from Hubble, but the picture was black and white.

10. The Hubble Telescope is designed in such a way that if there is any defect in it, then it can be corrected by going into space. The same happened in 1993.

11. Pluto was declared a dwarf planet in 2006 due to the Hubble Telescope.

12.  It didn't take much time to send a color picture to the Hubble Telescope. In 1991, he sent a clear picture of Jupiter.