We all must have seen the pigeons. Whenever we go out for a walk or sometimes pigeons are seen in the terrace of our house. In this article, we will learn about some interesting facts related to pigeons.

1. During the First and Second World War, the pigeon was used as a messenger. At that time, the pigeon used to bring the secret information of other people.

2. The pigeon gets to know about earthquake, volcano eruption and storm from the very first.

3. Upon realizing the danger, the pigeon warns the rest of the pigeon of danger by flapping its wings.

4. Pigeon can survive for 15 to 20 years.

5. Pigeon uses grains and fruits in its food.

6. Pigeons never forget their path. This bird can come back in a single day by covering a distance of about 1000 to 2000 kilometers. Pigeons find the right direction through sunlight and magnetic fields.

7. Pigeon is the most calm and domesticated of all birds.

8. It is very rare to see pigeon children. The female pigeon does not let her baby out until it is fully developed.

9. Worldwide, more than 170 species of pigeons are found. Most of the pigeon species live in human settlement, although some species like to live in the forest.

10. The pigeon is so intelligent that it can also use the human road, and whenever there is a turn, it also changes its direction at that turn.

11. Pigeons can fly to a height of 6000 feet and their speed is about 24-59 km/h.

12. According to an estimate, the number of pigeons in the whole world is about 400 million.

13. Pigeons can recognize humans and they remember human faces for a long time.

14. Pigeons require about 30 ml of water daily.

15. Pigeon is a species in which both males and females can feed milk their baby. Their milk is called crop milk.