The world of chemistry is very amazing, every answer to the events happening around us and the actions happening inside our body is with the chemistry. In this article we will learn some amazing facts about Chemistry.

There are some interesting facts about Chemistry:

1. About 250 grams of salt is found in every human body.

2. Helium gas filled balloon flies in the air as it is lighter than air and this is the reason why it is also used to fill the tires of the airplane.

3. The acid found in the stomach can also digest steel.

4. The frog never needs to drink water because he takes water from his body.

5. The hardest chemical in your body is the layer of your teeth.

6. At a temperature of 195 degrees the air turns into a liquid.

7. Copper is the only metal that does not contain bacteria.

8. The taste buds are found not only in your tongue but also in your cheeks.

9. If water is poured into space, it will start boiling, after that the steam coming out of it will become fiercely snow.

10. You cannot freeze helium by freezing it, you will have to put a lot of pressure on it.

11. The blood of shrimp fish has no color but when it comes in contact with air, its color turns blue.

12. If a pinch of salt is added to a glass filled with water, the water level can be reduced by up to 2%.

13. If you mix half a liter of alcohol and half a liter of water together, the mixture of both will be less than one liter.

14. With enough carbon in the body of a human, about 9000 pencils of graphite can be made.

15. 20% of the oxygen present in our atmosphere originates from the Amazon forests.